Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 256: 5/24/12 - "For You I Will (Confidence)"

"I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
And cannonball into the water.
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
You always want what you can't have
But for you I have to try..."

-"For You I Will (Confidence)" by Teddy Geiger

Confronting Anger: Yesterday we had an incident where I work.  One of our recent regular "guests" became upset for some reason (no one said or did anything to him), got up from where he was sitting and threw one of our chairs across the room.  I didn't see him throw the chair but others did.  I heard it through.  We called the police and though they came to speak with him, I currently do not know what became of him or if he was trespassed from the university (as he should have been).  But I'm reminded now of just how dangerous things can be even in a "protected" environment like the university.  I had the urge to approach the patron and get into his face about his behavior, but not knowing if he had a weapon made me hold back.  I was so mad though - what if we had been full and he had hit a student?!  That type of irrational behavior has no place in the library, nor in life in general.  Tomorrow I try again to find out what the police know so that I can inform all of the information desk staff.

Low Self-Esteem: I realize that despite the public face I present, I actually have a very low self-esteem.  This is something I need to work on, not just for the sake of being at work, but for the rest of my life as well.  I cannot go around feeling as if I'm not good enough for something or someone.  I need to go into every situation believing and knowing that I've done my best, put my best foot forward, and done everything in my power to do my job or live my life.  No excuses...

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