Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 128: 1/17/12 - "Typical Situation"

"It's a typical situation
In these typical times
Too many choices..."

-"Typical Situation" by Dave Matthews Band

Not Enough Time: It's really tiresome when you put in extra work on the weekend, your day off, and still you find yourself getting more and more behind when you go to work.  So you come home and put in another 3 hours of work and wind up losing the time you should be setting aside for yourself.  This has got to stop!

What To Pack: One of my least favorite things to do as I get ready for a conference is pack.  Why? Because I never know what to take!  At least this time I can pack pretty much whatever I want since I'm flying Southwest and can take two bags.  But that still doesn't help me with picking out what to wear.  Do I need items for "dress up"?  How many sets of workout clothes do I need?  Which shoes should I take?  The decisions are endless!  And then I have to factor in the weather for where I'm going.  In the winter they either send us somewhere cold or they send us somewhere that should be warm but is way too cold!  I'll just have to play it by ear and hope I take enough!

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