Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 123: 1/12/12 - "Judith"

"Pray to your Christ, to your God
Never taste of the fruit, never stray, never break, never
Choke on a lie even though he's the one who
Did this to you, you never thought to question "Why?""

-"Judith" by A Perfect Circle

Animated Films...Again: Tonight was another night of watching an animated film and this time it was Toy Story.  Many people were surprised that I hadn't seen it yet (considering how long ago it came out).  But I just never got around to it.  Compared to last night's film, I found Toy Story to be a bit bloodthirsty by kid's standards.  There was a bit of raunchy humor there (that most kids would not get) but there was a lot of revenge, violence, vindictiveness, and meanness in there.  I know what the final message was, and I got it, but jeez!

Cedar Fever!  Apparently, even if you don't have the full cedar fever, you can still be impacted by the cedar around here.  Me?  I get a runny nose, sneezing, and a sore throat.  Which also means I feel icky almost every day!  Come on!  This is not fair!  And of course the temperature dropped again (and will go back up in a couple of days) which really plays havoc with my allergies.  Oh well, I'm probably not suffering as much as some others.

Today Was a Good Day: I had a good day at work today...though I still can't quite put my finger on why just yet.  I guess I should take it and be happy, but I would rather figure out what I did to make it happen and find a way to repeat it!  Maybe even bottle it and sell it!

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