Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 121: 1/10/12 - "Let it Rain"

"It's hard to find the perfect time to say something
you know, is gonna change everything

-"Let it Rain" by David Nail

Cake Fail: I hate it when my cakes stick to the bottom of my pan.  It's my own fault for using the off-brand cooking spray.  I either need to use the baking spray (with the flour), use the old fashioned grease and flour trick, or use my parchment paper.  Instead, I went with the quick and easy and got near disaster!  It will be a miracle if my dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing survives the night and isn't split in half tomorrow.  Of course, part of the problem is also that the cake is just so moist!  Moist cakes tend to stick and also tend to fall apart.  I'll hope it gets eaten quickly and I no one notices the odd shape!

That was Not Exciting:  There are times where I realize that there is so much more I can accomplish when I'm not slowed down by the actions of others.  Then there are times when I realize that it is the action of others that cause me to become more energized and determined to prove them wrong.  I almost made a social gaffe today during a large meeting...I'm glad I controlled my instinctive actions, as it would have been noticed by many and also would have been on tape.  Gotta be careful what you do and say around certain people!

How Flattering!  When others think of you and offer you much respect by recommending you for something, it really is a good feeling.  I know I try to do that as often as I can, making sure I show support for people I know not only need it but deserve it.  I will say that I also struggle with this kind of flattery, as I often don't see what they see.  But I'm glad they see it and I hope I will one day learn to see it in myself.

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