Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 130: 1/19/12 - "What Do You Want From Me?"

"Hey, slow it down, whataya want from me?
Whataya want from me?
Yeah, I'm afraid, whataya want from me?
Whataya want from me?"

-"What Do You Want From Me?" by Adam Lambert

Something New: Today I flew for the first time without taking Dramamine.  It was a true adventure as I realized that my motion sickness is definitely not in my head.  I basically forgot that I had not taken anything at all until I started to feel nauseous about 10 minutes into the flight.  Then I had to spend the rest of the time making sure I didn't get too sick.  Sprite zero helped keep me calm...and the flight was short so I was able to tough it out.  I'm not sure if I'll do the same thing on the way back, but it was nice to not be so tired when I got in and it was nice not to have the side effects that taking Dramamine can sometimes cause.

Stumbling Into Paradise: Okay, so Fountain Place isn't really paradise, but it is a beautiful place that I stumbled upon as I was walking around Dallas today.  It is very park-like with small fountains, benches, and lots of shade.  But the little "dancing" water spouts is what I really enjoyed watching.  I took some pics and a video so that anyone interested can take a look. Sorry, no music to go with the dancing, but you can imagine a nice classical piece to accompany the show!

Daily Oddities: Sometimes I find things just to be "odd."  I'm sure others don't see them that way but to each his/her own.  Here are my oddities from today:
  • Coming off the plane in Dallas, the hallways was painted with a tropical scene.  This makes no sense to me considering Dallas is a landlocked city..nary a beach in site!  It made we want to get on another plane and go to the tropical place.  Shouldn't you have images related and welcoming people to Dallas?
  • Information on websites should match information provided at the actual location, correct?  Then why did Supershuttle say to call when you arrived, but their phone message from the courtesy phone said to just go out to the curb?  You could have told me this online!  And Sheraton - your website says that Internet is not free - so why when I come to my room you say it is (I'm not complaining!)?

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