Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 138: 1/27/12 - "3 A.M."

"It's 3 A.M.
I'm awake and my heart is still dreaming
It's 3 A.M.
And outside I hear the souls still screaming..."

-"3 A.M." by Edwin McCain 

ESP: I don't think I actually have ESP, but I will admit that at times there are coincidences that I find odd and a little scary.  Like when I'm listening to the radio and as one song ends I'll start thinking of another song and it will come on the radio.  this has happened a few times to me while driving.  I can likely chock it up to popular songs or overplay on the radio, but still odd.  Then take my choice of songs for the day.  I heard 3 A.M. this morning and chose it as my song...I didn't expect to still be awake at 3:00 A.M., but here I am, only 52 minutes away and not a bit tired!

Tough Decisions: I have to make a tough decision over the next day or so...I have to cut my hair again.  Those who know me know that even though I was used to having it short once it was cut, I still wanted it back.  But now it is damaged and breaking the point of creating bald spots in the front.  It is time to start over again, I think.  I might even put a little color on it..though I have to be careful since my hair is obviously damaged.  I'll miss it, but it only takes a year for it to grow, and this time, if I take better care of it, I might be able to get it to grow even faster!  I'll post pictures once I make the big cut...I might even cut it myself (yes, I know that could be dangerous!).

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