Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 136: 1/25/12 - "I Do"

"When I'm done with thinking, then I'm done with you.
When I'm done with crying, then I'm done with you.
When I feel so tired, then I'm done with you.
Everybody feels this way sometimes, everybody feels this way"

-"I Do" by Lisa Loeb

Stormy Weather: We had some serious storms blow through last night, and today at work I heard from others that they were also awakened by the storm and often unable to go back to sleep.  But oddly enough, they also reported that their children (and dogs) were not bothered by the storm.  I also woke up because of the storms, but I had no trouble going back to sleep (which is the exact opposite of my usual MO).  I heard the hail and the rain, saw the lightening and heard the thunder...and rolled over and went back to sleep.  Maybe I was in a stormy weather kind of mood.  Or maybe I was simply still exhausted by my trip.  But whatever the cause, I was glad to be able to get some sleep despite the storm raging outside.

So Much To Do: I was trying to get through all of my e-mails and projects today and failed miserably.  But on the positive side, I did put a dent in the list.  I'll have to tackle it again tomorrow and hopefully a day of fewer meetings will actually help me to focus more and accomplish more.  I plan to create some written to-do lists as well.  Maybe they'll help me to figure a few things out along the way.

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