Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 176: 3/5/12 - "Mudshovel"

"You will feel my anger
You will feel my pain
You will feel my torment
I'll drive you insane
I won't fight these feelings
I will bring you pain
I won't take away
I'll be whole again"

-"Mudshovel" by Staind

Darn it All to Heck!  I scuffed my brand new boots today as I walked into work.  It was very devastating for me (which of course is also very scary since they are only shoes and I got them on sale), and I had to fight the urge to not turn around and go back to my car and just go home.  Maybe it's because it is Monday and of course I hate Mondays? Maybe its because I was just in a foul mood?  Who knows what the reasoning is for my urge to flee rather than fight, but luckily my common sense won out and I found myself heading into work as I was supposed to.  But darn it all to heck, I just got those shoes!

Out of Pocket: I'm going to have to eat part of my conference trip to Anaheim out of pocket (which sucks) so I'm already trying to find those free lunches/dinners/breakfasts to save myself money.  The current plane tickets are frightening, to say the least and will likely eat into the majority of my money and I'm already eating my registration costs, so I'll be around $600 in the hole by the time the conference finishes up.  I'm definitely taking some extra days for a vacation while I'm there - since its costing me so much in the first place!

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