Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 190: 3/19/12 - "Got You Where I Want You"

"Hey maybe just a smile
Oh hey do you know that I can dance
Could we talk for a while

I think you're smart

You sweet thing
Tell me your sign
I'm dying here

Ooh got you where I want you

Ooh got you where I want you
Oh yea
Ooh got you where I want you
I want you bad"

-"Got You Where I Want You " by The Flys

Stormy Weather: San Antonio doesn't usually get huge amounts of bad weather, but today we're under a tornado warning.  i find that I'm more frightened of the possibility of tornadoes down here, simply because there are no sirens to help warn me.  If I have my TV on and still have power, then I get an alert.  But what if I don't?  I start to worry that I'd sleep through a major storm.  I have a perfectly safe looking walk-in closet that I could hide in, but that's not where my bed is!  I'll just have to hope for the best and that I wake up in the morning.

My Opportunity to Speak:  I just found out today that I will get my opportunity to speak out against someone who, I feel, has been abusing their position and abusing those of us who work with them.  I know this person is worried about what others say about them, so this situation must be eating at them.  But we all deserve this opportunity and as I always say - if you are living right, then you have nothing to worry about.  Living wrong?  Then may whatever god you pray to have mercy on you, because you'll need it.

Weigh In: Tomorrow I get to find out my current weight.  I know I've dropped some weight because my clothes are fitting better.  But I don't know how this will balance with the muscle I've gained.  I could actually be the same weight but be healthier (which is fine with me).  Don't know if I'll post my weight here.  I'm not ashamed of it, but even I might have to draw the line of posting it on a blog!

Every Night: I have made myself commit to working on Angel of Mercy every day so that I can finish it in a timely manner.  My hope is that I'll finish it by the end of June (and ALA) and then find out if I have enough moxie to actually submit it to a publisher.

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