Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 191: 3/20/12 - "If You Only Knew"

"If you only knew
How many times I counted
All the words that went wrong
If you only knew
How I refuse to let you go,
Even when you're gone"

-"If You Only Knew" by Shinedown

Strange Days, Indeed: Today was one of those days that just didn't feel right. I had to go to the doctor this morning, which is what likely threw me off for the whole day.  The only good news?  I dropped 6 pounds, so now I only have 15 to go to be back at my goal weight.  I think I can make it but I'm going to have to work twice as hard as I already am (which doesn't seem possible, but obviously it is).  I got to chat with my doctor who was really nice (and very cute...nice to have a cute doctor!) and we chatted about running and other similar things.  He sent me on my way and said that I only had to come back if I wasn't feeling well - that's the type of diagnosis I prefer!  Then everyone kept dropping in on me at work, and a colleague blew her stack, and printers and scanners were busted.  Needless to say, I was more than ready to come home and hope that I can get some sleep tonight.

Speaking of Sleep: I'm supposed to work on my book every day, but I'm so tired tonight that I fear I'll only get a few lines in before I'm too tired to do more.  But I think that is necessary for me to be able to move forward with the book (and to keep it fresh in my mind).  Wish me luck - I'll try not to mess up because I can't see straight!

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