Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 201: 3/30/12 - "Do What You Have to Do"

"What ravages of spirit
Conjured this temptuous rage
Created you a monster...

Deep within I'm shaken by the violence
Of existing for only you
I know I can't be with you
I do what I have to do...

And I have sense to recognize but
I don't know how to let you go..."

- "Do What You Have to Do" by Sarah McLachlan

My Something New: I forgot to label my something new from last week, but since I posted about my trip to Houston, I pretty much covered it.  My something new from this week was a visit to La Cantera for some window shopping and (I thought) some food.  But I forgot that it was Friday night and all of the main eateries were packed.  So I stopped at Paciugo and had some black cherry gelato (very good).  I then headed back home but decided to stop at Pasha for dinner (near my apartment).  Again, the Friday night bug got me and when I realized it was truly a sit-down place, I decided to just hit HEB and get one of their meals.  Along the way I swung by the liquor store and picked up some rum (I have this idea for a strawberry daquiri cupcake and I need the rum for don't think I've gone over the dark side and started drinking!).  Unfortunately, I hit HEB too late and they had already packed things up.  I ended up with pre-made sushi rolls, hummus and pita chips, and sweet potato waffle fries.  Definitely not the healthiest meal but I got a nice mixture of things that I like.

I Hate My Big Feet: I need new work shoes and I have an idea of what I want (I'm very picky and I have a bad ankle so I need comfort as well).  I went to the Clark's store and they only had 3 pair for me to even try on.  I don't like buying shoes online because I can't try them on first (some size 12's wear much smaller!).  After an unsuccessful trip to Clark's I went to Dillard's and I couldn't even get any help (I was not happy about being ignored!).  I then tried Macy's and again, no service offered.  I'm beyond pissed about the continued mistreatment I often get at upscale stores.  I get ignored because I don't "look" the part.  But back to my rant about shoes.  Why does it have to be so hard for companies to realize that there are a lot of women who have larger feet.  One store had 10 boxes of size 9's and no other sizes.  So either they bought too many in that size or there aren't enough women with that shoe size in San Antonio.  I hate that I have big feet - I know I need them to be big enough to balance me, but come on!  Big hands, too tall, and cursed with big feet!  I think I got enough crap dumped on me to not deserve to never be able to get shoes! 

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