Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 192: 3/21/12 - "How Do You Get That Lonely"

"How do you get that lonely,
how do you hurt that bad
To make you make the call
That havin' no life at all is better than the life you had
How do you feel so empty, you want to let it all go
How do you get that lonely and nobody knows..."

-"How Do You Get That Lonely" by Blaine Larsen

So True...So Scary: This song struck a cord with me on a number of levels.  It also frightened me because it is easy to get lonely.  Though I know I'll never get to the point that this story talks about, the loneliness, the hurt, the empty feeling...all that is very real in my life.  The level changes, sometimes on a daily basis, but it is always there.  I'm glad I have another part of me that is strong enough to get me through those times, but I realize that others do not.  I truly don't understand when people make the choice they do, but I do understand what leads to that choice.  I wish everyone health and clarity...

My Mini-Vacation: I'm off to Houston in two days to see some friends.  One side of me is really excited about the prospect.  The other side of me is so tired that she doesn't want to even think about going anywhere, especially anywhere that requires a 3 hour drive!  But I need this time and I need to learn to take time for myself and to spend time with friends.  I'll have to figure out how I'll pay for the trip in the long run, but I'll manage.  I have to stop begrudging myself, time for me.  Why do I make it so hard on myself?

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