Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 187: 3/16/12 - "Invisible Man"

"I wish you'd look at me that way
Your beautiful eyes looking deep into mine
Telling me more than any words could say
But you don't even know I'm alive
Baby to you all I am is the invisible man..."

-"Invisible Man" by 98 Degrees

New Favorite Commercial: The State Farm commercial with the agent and the customer at the basketball game has become my new favorite commercial.  Not only do I love just how funny it is, the two actors did a fantastic job of dancing, talking, and keeping a straight face throughout.  Nice job State Farm!

Horrible Dream: I've had a dream twice now where my teeth have come out.  The strange thing about it is that in both dreams it was different teeth (so I didn't lose the same tooth from one dream to the next).  I've, of course, tried to look into this a little further and some of the interpretation is very matter of fact (you need to go to the dentist).  But others are a little more psychological in nature - you can't sink your teeth into something, or you feel powerless.  I think I'm leaning towards the feeling powerless idea - it seems to fit my life right about now!

Awkward: Do you know that odd feeling you get when you realize you have a lot in common with someone and are slightly attracted to them, but know they aren't the least bit interested in you?  I keep getting that feeling around this one particular person and I find myself stuck between feeling awkward, resigned and angry about it.  I think the awkwardness comes from the fact that I look at this person and feel attraction and though I'm sure I'm not conveying that small bit of attraction outward, there is still this inner awkwardness for even feeling it.  The resignation is because I know why they aren't attracted to me and that's just the way life is.  The anger is because a small part of me says "why not me?  what's wrong with me?  I'm just as smart and funny as other women!  I may not be a s nice to look at, but beauty is only skin deep, right?"  Then I go back to being resigned about the whole situation. 

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