"We won't say our goodbyes you know its better that way
We won't break, we won't die
It's just a moment of change..."
-"All We Are" by One Republic
Okay, This Time I Mean It...I said that the cupcakes I made were the last ones I would bake in this apartment but apparently I was wrong because I decided to make a coffee cake. No clue how it turned out (in terms of taste), though I let it get a little more brown than I wanted. Smells delicious though! Also iced the cupcakes - made a decent chocolate frosting - not as light and fluffy as I would have liked, but considering I almost lost it (it started to deconstruct!), it turned out pretty well. Hope people like the entire combination, but if not, maybe the coffee cake will serve as backup.
I Must Be Really Sick...Why do I say this? Because I barely ate anything for dinner tonight but I'm not hungry...at all...not even for ice cream. Most would say that this is a good thing - I don't need those things anyway. But for me this is out of character and could be a sign of something wrong. I just have to get into a doctor to find out. Speaking of that....I tried to make an appointment with my internist and was told there are no appointments until the end of September! I thought the scheduler was kidding when she said that but found out she was very serious. Now I have to try to find another doctor just for one visit...one visit! And my insurance runs out next week when my job does. What are the odds for me actually finding a doctor, getting my tests run, and getting a diagnosis and help before I have to leave for Florida? Slim to none, I would say!
The Urge to Write...I've been feeling it lately, but unfortunately I haven't wanted to work on the book that is closest to the end. I actually picked up another one that I really like the storyline for - but it is only on chapter 3, while the other book is on chapter 10! But I'm in the middle of an action and dialogue heavy party of that story and I can't just write it without feeling it. We'll see if I ever get around to finishing any of my stories - it would be nice to have them done, even if they never got published!
Big Whoop! Yay to the Master's for selecting their first two female members in their 80 year history. What, do you want a medal? A trophy maybe? For one thing, it took you way too damn long. For another, you're telling me you could only find two women worthy of joining your little club? Seriously? Only two? I swear, with the news that a political candidate thinks that pregnancy is almost impossible from rape (can we say - dumb shit?) and is stupid enough to say it out loud, to this news, I'm starting to think that women's rights is going backwards rather than forward. Okay, so the Olympics were able to brag that every country represented had a female athlete for the first time ever, and that is a positive thing. But really? Could we be moving any slower towards equality? And ladies, we really have to stop hindering ourselves in our fight for equality. If I hear one more woman tell another woman (or worse yet, a young girl) that she can't do something because of her gender, I'm liable to explode!